Since we love to take such great care of our pets, we also need to think about ourselves as well. Our bodies don't get the nourishment it needs to keep a strongh, healthy immune system in order to fight off infections. Especially around the cold season. I personally have been on a 1 ounce Nutraceutical Liquid Supplement called
VIBE. It changed my life so dramatically, I hurried and got it on my husband and son and then my parents. It convinced me and made such an impact on our lives that I like to tell EVERYONE about it. Over all
cell-ready, re-builds blood cells, and
replaces nutrients to give you
more energy and balance to your body. It did mine!!
If you would like to find out more about Eniva Vibe, you can go to www.enivamembers.com/franklin and check it out for yourself! I promise you, you won't find anything else in the world like this. It is truly amazing what it does to your body. VIBE got me off of ALL of meds in just a few weeks and now my mom is off of her blood pressure meds. It is AWESOME stuff. Check it out, it could change your life to.This is all of the meds I was on last year. I have been on the VIBE now for 1 year this month and I am STILL "DRUG FREE" tee hee! I promise you, you won't be sorry."Rebuilding the World...One Cell at a Time"PDR ( Physician's Desk Reference )The Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) states that roughly only 6% of what is taken orally in pill or tablet form is actually absorbed.
The Eniva Corporation provides nutrients in a form that are immediately ready to be used by the body. The nutrients are presented in a form that requires no digestion and have gone through Eniva proprietary process that help to increase their bio-availability to the body.
Eniva Vibe ScienceEniva uses minerals found in their natural earthen state (mineral compounds) and use them as the starting raw material for the products. These raw mateials used are guaranteed for purity (99.9%) and are of pharmaeutical (USP) grade.These raw materials then enter into an exciting process in the Eniva laboratory where they undergo ionic change. They are entered into a very special and proprietary process to create an energy-activated, polar, aqueous, and bio-available mineral species the body can effectively use.
The true focus of the science used in the Eniva process is to create a product that is easily absorbed and bio-available to the human body.One key fact that truly differentiates Eniva products is that one's body does not have to wade through the process of digestion and assimilation in order for the nutrients to be ready to be used by the body. They are already in a liberated form that is water-soluble. This allows them to start absorption immediately in the body. Remember, one of the main focuses of digestion is to liberate nutrients from the food we at and then make them water-soluble.
Liquids have the advantage over solid dosage forms in that they do not have the delay characteristic of solid dosage forms but are presented to the body in a form most conducive for absorption into the bloodstream upon administration.
What this means is Eniva uses the purest form of water to make VIBE water soluble to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream. Also because of it's water soluble solution, it is used in hospital IV's as well for patients who need nutrients.It may also ruduce the risks of certain forms of cancer. I have had a cancer patient that was doing treatments and after just 3 months on the VIBE, he didn't even get down with energy or vomiting. His doctors were amazed as well as his family. I saw first hand what VIBE did for this person. It was such a blessing. After what VIBE did for me and my family, I chose to become a VIBE distributor and have recieved blessings upon blessings from seeing other lives change before my eyes. I have found my calling... (View my testimony below)This supplement has rebuilt my Immune System so I could function again. I was on 5 different inhalers and 2 meds for asthma, 10 digestive meds, 3 migraine meds, anti-inflammatory meds for arthritis, anti-depression meds, 1 med for severe acid reflux, and steroid meds.
*Everyone's body is unique. Results will vary with each individual*This state of the art dietary supplement is cell ready, rebuilds blood cells, and replaces nutrients to give you more energy and balance to your body.*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Hard to believe isn't it?! Don't believe me?... email me for a free sample!You just take one ounce a day!!! FEEL THE DIFFERENCE!It has truly changed my life and the lives of my family. To learn more about it, you can go to my website or contact me via email. Contact: http://www.enivamembers.com/franklin